So I'm laying in bed last night trying to go to sleep and I smell cigarette smoke! What? I don't smoke! And I'm on the fourth floor so it's not coming from outside. Oh that's right! The old guy from Japan lives above me. I'm pretty sure he must be a personal ad for the cigarette company. He's a chimney! He's really sweet, but he's a chimney!
The way our piping works in building is that they have drilled holes through the ceilings and floors putting pipes from the top floor the bottom floor. The pipes aren't in the walls they're on the outside so everyone can see them and the holes aren't sealed up real well. So...when I play my music loud the people above me as well as below me can hear it. And when Mr. Japan smokes his cigarettes at 11:30 at night the smoke drifts right on in to my apartment giving everything in here the sweet smell of cigarette smoke. You would think my apartment was a country line-dancing place where 200 people just spend hours sweating and smoking while listening to "You Think My Tractor's Sexy"! :)
No it's not really THAT bad. After sitting there a bit and smelling the smoke I just started laughing because well...this is China! Laughing is good!