Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I was reading through some status updates on Facebook last night and came across a friend who was talking about dreams. They, themselves, were talking about a conversation that they had had with someone else, asking them that popular question, “If you could accomplish anything for God without risk of failure, what would it be?” In fact, I have posed this question to others before myself.

I think it warrants bringing up again and asking myself…and you. In fact, it’s probably a good question to ask every now and again. Keeps me on my toes you know. Sometimes I get so caught up in my “routine” of life that I can get a bit sidetracked from the dream.

So today, as I sit here at my computer, I’m asking myself what I would attempt for God if there were no risk of failure. What would it be? I think there are a few. But which one is the BIG one? Which one is the one to go after? That’s the question now.

Do you feel, as I do, that there are just too many things, people, opportunities out in the world to help with, to help change, to make a difference in, to work towards? And just now, typing this, as I was going to go into what those things are that I want to change and make a difference in, etc, the idea struck me that there is one thing to work towards: holiness; there is one thing to devote my life towards: God.

Maybe I’m too focused on the details, if you will. Maybe, just maybe, the focus could be on Holiness in Christ, love of God, worship of Him, love for Him, devotion to Him. I think maybe the rest will fall into place. I’m thinking right now that maybe the one dream that I could go after would be to be “all in” for God! And the great thing about that is, there is no risk of failure!

“Seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”

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