Did you know that Christians still have a voice? Sounds like an obvious answer to an easy question. And the answer is obvious, but do we really believe that it’s true? Or do we care enough to use the voice?
Recently Gap came out with a “Holiday” commercial saying “Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Solstice, etc.” It then went into saying something about doing what you please, think what you want, we’re all free or what not. It’s kind of a depressing commercial instead of one that is supposed to be joyful for the Christmas season.
Many of the stores we shop at and the companies we support do not support Christmas, but rather support the idea that we should all be politically correct and the idea that “all roads lead to Truth” (saying that there is no absolute Truth).
Anyway, my mother wrote Gap Inc. stating that she would no longer be shopping at any of their stores because they no longer support Christmas and what it means. This includes: The Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Piperline. There were a couple of emails exchanged between Gap Inc. and my mom over the last week.
Through a poll taken from customers also stating that they would not be shopping at the above stores for the same reason, The Gap is said to be coming out with a new commercial that is more “Christmas friendly”. We are taking this in good faith that they will stand by their word and do what they say they’re going to do. But should they not, shame on them. We’ll see what they mean by “Christmas friendly”.
It’s obvious, the people in this country are not as on board with the whole “no Christmas” thing as the media seems to think.
Stand up. Use your voice. Use it for good.