Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's!

New Years was a blast! 1-1-10 started off with a walk downtown Charleston. What a good idea! It was a cool, brisk morning and I headed out by myself. While walking down King St. I saw a rather large pile of extensions on the ground. I guess some women got tired of wearing them on New Years Eve and just chunked them down at some point.

I also did a little experiment while walking. I said "Good Morning" to every person that I saw. With the exception of four 19-yr-old girls I got a 97% return on my investment with people responding with smiles and "Good Morning". It was nice. I even had an old lady wink at me!

So, anyone making New Year's resolutions? I started that thought process last night. So still figuring it out. I've come up with one and that's to read more this year: to read at least one book each month. Definitely doable!

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