Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Old friends return

Ayako came to visit! Ayako and I met back in 2001 at Anderson College when I was a sophomore and she was an exchange student from Japan. I saw her last February when I was in Tokyo and she came to the US this January for a visit! What a wonderful blessing!

A little background: Back in 2001 Ayako and I became friends and I was instantly burdened with the fact that she didn't know Jesus. This started an eight-year marathon of praying and a many times of talking to her about Jesus, watching the Jesus film and providing her with a Bible in Japanese. Eight years later? She's a believer! Yay God! What a testimony to God that He continues to keep working in people long after you think. I can't explain how thrilled I am for her that she now knows Jesus. God is amazing!

1 comment:

TKB said...

That is so awesome Kat!!! What a great story of the seeds planted bearing fruit for a harvest! The laborers are few! :)