So yesterday in class we were studying our Chinese characters. We were studying "Ri" and "Ben" and combined they make "Riben" which means Japan. We were chatting about that with our teacher and she just blurts out how she doesn't like Japanese people. It all goes back to something in history that the Japanese did to the Chinese and well, a lot of Chinese haven't forgiven them for it. So she just tells us this as if she's telling us what she ate for breakfast that morning. It was so strange and we all (me and my three classmates) just sat there stunned and shocked that she would actually say that out loud to us.
On a different subject...China as a country and all Chinese people absolutely love fireworks. They prefer the loud ones to the colorful ones. It's entertainment for their ears not their eyes! And if there's ANY excuse to shoot them off they will find it and use it. But you will never know to what the extent is that they love these fireworks until you've been here in person.
But this same day that the first paragraph happened is when my other teacher (our favorite one) just randomly says "Fireworks best invention ever is fireworks!" And he's standing there grinning from ear-to-ear. You would have thought we just shot some off and he was seeing them for the first time. It was so adorable and at the same time, absolutely hilarious!
Dolphins 🐬
4 years ago