Monday, June 2, 2008

Tour through the Pharmacies

I've not been feeling well in the last few weeks. I consulted my doctor in the States and he wanted me to take some medication. So...I set out today on a borrowed bicycle to go to the pharmacy and get what I needed. I needed a supplement, two other drugs and an antibiotic. I went to the first pharmacy and was able to pick up half of the antibiotic I needed and the supplement. They didn't have the rest. I head to another pharmacy and get the rest of the antibiotic and one of the other drugs. Still on the hunt for the last medication. I ended up going to two more pharmacies before I found one that had this last medication. Quite a little trip I had. And some good exercise. I was also able to practice some language and learned some new words!

All of these medications cost me a total of $4.50 and without prescriptions. Can you believe it? I know!

Hopefully now I'm on my way to recovery.