Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Had a most enjoyable experience at Publix grocery store this afternoon. I walked in with coupons in hand, ready to conquer the sales! What should have taken 15 minutes took me about 30 minutes! Mainly because I love the grocery store! Anyway, I go to check out line and get behind a woman that everyone is clearly trying to avoid. Then I see why. The cashier has messed something up and they're trying to figure it out and go and get the right thing and what not. I hop in line. I don't mind the wait. Where do I have to be?

I'm waiting...waiting...waiting. The lady checks out and leaves.

The manager of the store comes up to me and apologizes. "No problem" I tell him. But I take the opportunity to ask him about the sale he has going on Cheerios. Because the sign is not clear I ask, "Is it just on plain Cheerios or on all Cheerios." Sadly enough, just plain. But he's going to make me happy and let me get my Whole Grain Cheerios for the sale price and I can even use my coupon! Therefore, one large box of Cheerios-$1! And because I had to wait they gave me the senior discount! I think it's like 1% off or something, but I'll take whatever I can get!

You can also request that they order something if they don't normally carry it. I would like Bittersweet Baking Chocolate please! Done! It's on order! :)

Oh and did you know that at Publix you will get your item for free if the store messes up your transaction or doesn't give you the sale price when it's actually on sale? Pay attention to your receipts people!

And...Publix takes manufacturer coupons, Publix coupons and competitors coupons all at the same time on any item, even if the coupon says that you can only use one coupon at a time. Just FYI.

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