Monday, September 21, 2009


Found a song in my iTunes the other day. Yes, I downloaded it, but I don’t remember when or how, being that I’ve never heard of this artist. But nevertheless, there it was. I happened upon it by mistake and now I just can’t stop listening to it. The song is called “Before the Throne of God Above” by Sojourn. And I cannot express just how much it is grabbing my heart. Here’s the last verse. Take a listen sometime when you get a chance.

Because the sinless savior died,

My sinful soul is counted free

For God, the judge, is satisfied

To look on him and pardon me

To look on him and pardon me


Amy said...

I've not heard of Sojourn, or heard that version, but the song is by Vikki Cook--it's originally an old hymn, I believe, to which she added some new lyrics. it's on an album I have called "Songs for the Cross Centered Life"--Sovereign Grace music. have you ever listened to any of their stuff? all totally cross-centered, gospel-focused lyrics--amazing stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey I think it was from when we led p&w that one time, and I put my flash drive in your laptop. I LOVE that song!!! Love, A