Monday, April 5, 2010


It's the day after Easter. What a wonderful day yesterday was! But yet I feel like I didn't do it justice. Can we ever? It's just really such a huge deal! Easter-the day Jesus rose from the grave and gave us all new life! I'm never going to get over that.

Today feels new and fresh. Like I get a do-over. I'm lovin' that.

Saturday I went to a Passion Play. There was a line in the play that shook me and woke me up. Jesus and Roman soldier were talking after Pilate told Jesus everything he was being accused of. Jesus did not defend himself. He didn't say a word. (Isaiah 53) The soldier wanted to know why he didn't defend himself; why he said nothing in response. Jesus' response is what shook me.

He said, "Your debt will be covered..." I, and all of you, have heard that before. But for me to witness it being spoken from Jesus to a person made it so personal. It made the fact that there was a debt that each of us carry/carried so true. Flashes of the Old Testament practices for forgiveness and how I don't have to do that. Flashes of everything I would owe a debt for were there. Flashes of money owed were visible. And then, "your debt will be covered."

My debt is covered. It has been covered and now the burden is light. I am covered.

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