Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This vs. that

You and I have all heard people, mostly, men express fear over committing to someone for the rest of their life. One person...forever. This scares some people. But I can say that the idea of committing to someone for the rest of my life does not scare me nearly as much as staying in one location for the rest of my life.

An idea was brought to my mind about a week ago. It was a proposition that someone I know would become my business partner in opening my bakery. I know, great huh? But somewhere in my dreaming of this bakery did I nowhere think that I would be staying in the same location. But naturally that's what would happen. If anyone would invest that much time, energy and money in something they're going to do it for a very long time.
Well, the thought that I would be remaining in whatever location I chose to open my bakery in, would be my permanent location for a very long time. Yes, I thought of everything but that!

This freaks me out to no end! I'm a mobile girl. I like moving and I like being able to pick and move quickly whenever and wherever God wants me to go. And I get tired a place after a couple of years. I like adventure and moving to a new place is some good adventure! So now I'm rethinking this bakery thing and really praying about it hard! Because if I'm going to do this it's going to be a major committment, obviously for a lot of reasons, but the biggest to me would be to committ to live in that location long-term. Whew! That's a big one!

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