Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Tonight went so well! Let me tell you what happened...

I was prayer walking the other day and was thinking about how I could reach out to the people in my apartment complex. That task seemed huge! So I thought about my immediate neighbors. There are two of them. I talked to my roommates about it on Sunday and we decided to invite them over for dessert and coffee tonight. So we knocked on each door on Sunday afternoon and invited them over. They seemed very surprised that we were doing this and thrilled at the same time.

The menu: homemade peach ice cream and vanilla pound cake with decaf coffee.

We all gathered in the apartment after work today and were busy vacuuming, straightening up, washing dishes, putting things away that should have been put away ages ago and finding a jazzy music station on the TV. Julia got to making the ice cream. It was going perfectly! Fresh peaches pureed in there as well as chunks of peaches. Oh so delicious!

Well...the ice cream maker had a mind of it's own. It kept stopping on us. Or it would turn the lid without actually turning the ice cream itself. Then we ran out of rock salt. So after trying to get it started again and again with our fingers, Julia had to make the difficult decision to run to the store and buy ice cream.

Elisabeth and I continued churning the ice cream but nothing came of it. Still mush. Julia returned from Bi-Lo with two half-gallons of Blue Bell ice cream (her favorite) 15 min. before our guests were to arrive.

Coffee ready-check
Pound cake sliced and in bowls-check
Ice cream ready-check

We prayed for God's Spirit to be with us and to lead us tonight. And then we waited.

Guests arrive-check

The pound cake and ice cream was great and the coffee was scrumptious! It was great to all be sitting around in the den just talking and getting to know each other better. We are neighbors afterall. And I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time.

Next time we're thinking dinner.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship! :)

They all came! We were so thrille


SaraEliza said...

I'm so happy that your neighbor night went so well! That's so great!

Karen & Tony said...

The Lord has given you the spirit of boldness- so glad you use it to reach out!