Wednesday, October 7, 2009


You know, I like to think that I do have great faith in my God.  But when the rubber meets the road, it comes down to acting  on that faith.  Faith without deeds is DEAD.


It’s easy for me to say that I’ll step out on faith and follow.  But what if I’m not absolutely positive that it’s Him who’s calling me?  There have been a couple of times in my life when I was absolutely positive that what I was hearing was God’s voice in my life.  And both of those times He has confirmed it through scripture for me.  There have been other times in my life where I thought it was Him speaking to me.  In answer to that voice, there have been times that I have been obedient and times that I haven’t (out of fear and uncertainty).


What do I do; how do I respond when I’m not absolutely sure that it’s God speaking? I feel like there are two aspects of faith to be played here.  Like, one of them is to have faith that when I am obedient He will provide or protect or teach.  But the other is to respond to Him in faith, when I’m not sure it’s Him.  That’s the faith I’m not so sure about.  That’s the one that I go back and forth about on whether I’m walking in faith and trusting Him or whether I’m taking risks and flying around wherever the wind takes me.


Maybe I over analyze.  I am a female.  We tend to do this.  And I am no exception.


But what are your thoughts on faith-both sides of the response/question?


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