Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grey's Anatomy



China is not the only country that has it.  In fact, it’s right here in our very own good ol’ U.S. of A.  And it’s all over the television.


Last Thursday I was watching Grey’s Anatomy.  One of the doctor’s on the show is a homosexuality (per the story line).  Her father is very against it.


There was a scene with the father and daughter confronting the issue together in the presence of a priest.  The father is quoting scripture to the daughter about how homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord and a sin and what not.  The daughter counteracts with quoting scripture at him about how the Lord loves no matter what she does.  Also quoting that her father shouldn’t judge.  There were others but my memory escapes me.


From my view here it seems that this is some right out propaganda.


There is a continuing discussion about how the Bible says that homosexuality is not okay and is, in fact, a sin.  Other people say that it is okay and cannot be helped and, in fact, should be completely accepted.  I felt like the show’s whole point was to put Christians in the light of looking like they are judgmental and off-base.


I need to watch out with these shows.  They have underlying messages to them and they sneak their way in there and then before you know, we’ve wandered a bit from Biblical Truth.



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