Thursday, October 15, 2009

Something that would happen in China

Last night/early this morning I was awakened from such a wonderful time of sleep by this ringing in my ear.  At first I ignored it, thinking it was a dream or something.  But it wouldn’t go away.  So, in quite a bit of a daze, I went out into the hall to find both of roommates standing there in what seemed to be a similar daze.  “What in the world is going on?”, I asked.  Elisabeth told me that the fire alarm was going off in our building.  Simultaneously I’m thinking, what?! Fire alarm?!  OMG!  But I’m also thinking, this thing isn’t that loud.  I could have slept through it and burned to death.  And the three of us just stand around a chat for a bit before it hits us that we should probably leave the apartment and go outside.  For a split second I thought about using the restroom really quick, but instead I was encouraged to leave ASAP.  I grabbed some flip flops and a fleece and my earrings (I feel naked without them. J ) and headed out into the cold and the rain. 


We get outside to realize that it’s only our building, not the whole complex.  A bit jealous that others don’t have to be out here, but glad for them at the same time.  We wait….


The fire trucks show up about 15 minutes later.  (There are two firehouses less than a mile from my place.  And so I thought that 15 minutes was kind of a long time to wait.  Am I wrong?) Meanwhile, the fire alarm is still going off and is practically making us deaf.  We watch the little firemen in their outfits walk around the complex making sure everything is okay.  Come to find out, someone pulled the alarm and left.  Ugh!


Two good things: funny story that I now I have in my back pocket, and I got to meet more of my neighbors!  We had a nice little chat and they’re most enjoyable to be around. J


Doesn’t this sound like something that would have happened in China?  Oh the similarities….



Unknown said...

What a crazy evening! The fire alarm was so loud but I was relieved to realized that I wasn't going deaf :)

SaraEliza said...

I'm assuming you're talking about your silver ball earrings?? :)